Sunday, June 15, 2008


Who knew getting married (eloping at that!) could be so much work? Rings, what to wear, getting restaurants booked. Thankfully, Tom's done most of it. I picked up my ring yesterday. Tiffany's. Platinum. Really beautiful. Not girly at all which is how I've always sort of thought about rings. Now, let me be clear-I'm not a ring person and I never have been. I think the only one I might have ever really worn was a Wonder Twins ring I had a kid. And that only lasted a couple of days at most. But...things are about to change. I'm about to become a ring person. Getting rings was important to me and I really wanted us to do it. They're such powerful symbols of the relationship we're entering into. I want others to know. I want people to see that I've made a commitment to Tom. And most importantly, I really want to stop biting my fingernails so that I won't look like a married Elephant Man.


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